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Land/Development Site - 0ft² & upwards

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  • Former Residential Dwelling in need of refurbishment
  • Potential Redevelopment Site subject to planning
  • Adjacent to Stile Cop Cemetery
  • EPC Rating: E-117

Sexton's Lodge, Stile Cop Cemetery, Rugeley

For Sale
(Under offer)
1,916 sq ft (178 sq m)
The premises, which were until 2018 occupied as a private residential dwelling, provide on the ground floor a hallway, WC, kitchen, lounge, storeroom and dining room and on the first floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. Outside there is a detached single garage which is adjacent to an electricity substation. In addition, the property includes the cemetery mess room and staff facilities.

Drainage is via a septic tank adjacent to the garage. The mature trees fronting the main road are subject to Tree Preservation Orders.

As part of the sale, the Vendor proposes to:

1 - Separate the existing water supply from the one serving the cemetery to create two separate metered supplies;

2 - Erect an approximate 6 foot height fence to the southern and eastern boundaries of the site. It will comprise of concrete posts, concrete gravel boards and timber feathered edge panels;

3 - Provide a new cemetery operative welfare facility on the Vendor's retained land.

4 - Brick up 2 windows and the door to the southern elevation of the existing cemetery mess room.

The electricity substation and separate propane gas tank will remain insitu and will not be removed/relocated.

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